SNUFactCheck (2020-2024)
Institute of Communication Research, Seoul National University
My Roles: Product Designer / Service Operator
 Monitoring for fake news and disinformation on SNUfactcheck platform by actively collaborating with newspapers, journalists, and researchers to 'truth squad' the statements of political players (the first and only fact-checking platform in Korea)
• Create visual identities (BI and print media) and UI/UX design for the website
• Lead tech team to execute system improvement based on usability testing data
SNUFactCheck Center is a public service for which the academia and journalism industry have collaborated to restore news consumers' trust in journalism and to properly respond to disinformation, which has emerged as a major social issue in South Korea. It was established with the purpose of providing a forum for fact-based public discourse that is necessary for a healthy civic society.
Media outlets participating as members of SNUFactCheck Center verify the validity of facts based on evidence collected from their data and investigation. 
The result of the verification is identified on a five-point scale of Not True, Mostly Not True, Half True, Mostly True, and True. Cases for which the validity cannot be determined can be identified as Undecidable. At the time of the verification, the fact-checking media outlet must provide the evidence that served as the basis of their conclusion.
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